Siamo il partner affidabile per i tuoi trasporti Europei. Con anni di esperienza nel settore, offriamo soluzioni flessibili e sicure per soddisfare le esigenze della tua azienda. Da merci pallettizzate a carichi speciali, ci occupiamo di tutto. La nostra rete e l’attenzione ai dettagli assicurano consegne puntuali e sicure in tutta Europa. Lascia che il tuo business cresca oltre i confini con il nostro supporto logistico di alta qualità.
Connettiamo il mondo attraverso trasporti affidabili. La nostra azienda specializzata in trasporti europei ti offre soluzioni su misura. I tuoi prodotti meritano il meglio quando viaggiano attraverso le frontiere. Offriamo soluzioni di trasporto europei personalizzate per garantire la sicurezza e la puntualità delle tue merci.
We understand the importance of transporting FMCG products and are committed to providing a comprehensive and personalized service that meets each customer's needs. Thanks to our extensive experience in the industry, our availability of modern and safe vehicles and our ISO 9011:2015 and IFS LOGISTICS certifications, we are able to guarantee a high quality service that meets our customers' expectations. Choosing Magnisi Michele Ltd. means relying on a reliable and professional transportation partner that guarantees the utmost attention to quality, safety and customer satisfaction. Contact us today to find out how we can help you transport your FMCG products efficiently, reliably and completely.
We offer reliable refrigerated transportation services and
Professional to transport temperature-sensitive goods safely and ensure
their quality during transport.
Our food delivery service is fast, reliable and complies with H.A.C.C.P. regulations to ensure food safety and quality during transport.
We offer domestic and international pallet transport services, ensuring reliability and flexibility, for companies that need shipments in large quantities.
We offer reliable and flexible freight transportation services to meet the needs of companies that need to transport goods throughout Europe.
Magnisi Michele s.r.l.
Via Messenape, 7 – 70132 Bari
Cf.-p.iva: 02887630727
Ca. soc. 500.000,00 i.v. R.E.A. BA236649
Iscr. Aut. BA 7462478/R
Iscr. Shipping Register BA 76/1985
Together, we work to ensure the safety and timeliness of our transportation services. Our team is united by a passion for customer satisfaction and a willingness to exceed expectations.
© Magnisi Michele 2024
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